22 Results for Household for sale in Harrisonburg Va - Classifieds
Weekly pickup of household trash guaranteed with no contract. Pre-paid for $30 each month. Money order or checks accepted as payment. Great service with customer preference of pickup location. Large items can be negotiated as appropriate.
1 month ago on OodleI hope you are having a good day. I love child care, live in Staunton and want to care for your children. Excited to talk to you soon.
1 month ago on SitterResume Summary: Hey my name is Daniel. I'm hoping to find a sitter position in Broadway, Virginia. Consistently, I work to be a dedicated, affordable employee. I can alter my schedule to meet your needs. Services An
1 month ago on SitterI hope you are having a good day. I am a child care provider living in Staunton who is hardworking and want help you in any way possible. I look forward to hearing from you!
1 month ago on SitterIn need of full time or part time cleaners. Hours from am until pm. Sunday through Saturday. Experienced is a must. Must have a reliable vehicle and references. Email for application. Please provide resume. Pictures and contact info on Advertigo website.
1 month ago on AdvertigoI hope you are having a good day. I'm an elder care provider living in Harrisonburg who is caring and want to care for your loved ones. I look forward to hearing from you!
1 month ago on ElderCareAbout Me: I hope you are having a good day. I am interviewing for a companion carer job opportunity in Stanley, Virginia. I'm planning to apply my abilities as a companion carer. I can be available as needed. Servic
1 month ago on ElderCareWho I Am: I hope you are having a good day. I'm looking for a baby sitter employment opportunity in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I am committed to being a professional person. Flexible scheduling for clients. Super upbea
1 month ago on Sitter