LG Soft is Hiring - (Bloomingdale, GA)
LG Soft is seeking web programmers and C# programmers to work on the NPCOMP SAT Solver Project for Digital Circuit Design. See http://www.npcomp-sat-solver-project.com/npcomp-sat-solver-project/ for more information. If interested, submit your resume/work history to XXXX@outlook.com List-of-Web sites-That-Pertain-to-the-NPCOMP-Project npcomp.pbworks.com wiki describing the project npcomp-sat-solver-project.com/npcomp-sat-solver-project/ web sitedescribing the project lgsoft.on-line employment portal for hiring new employees lgsoftinfo.sharepoint.com/ sharepoint site for operating the project development lgsoft-programming.com main programming solicitation of lgsoft zoho.com/people/ hr web sitefor npcomp Ubuntu virtual machine for HOL theorem prover
From Claz - 1 month ago