Hair Extensions Full Lace Wig Braidless Sew Ins Microlinks Weaves Stylist - - (Dallas, TX)
Beauty/Hair Extention Specialist Installations for all hair types Over seventeen years of experience. Order hair - use code *client10* or bring your own hair ONLY Call or Text 647-787-XXXX to book Appointments, Consultations and Inquiries ---->NO EMAILS Extension Installations Services: Weave (Sew In) - $80 Braidless Sew In (aka Malaysian or Versatile Sew In/Weave ) (Client's Fav) - $150 Full Lace Wig Installation - $120 Full Closure (Sew In With Bangs) - $120 Lace Closure Sew In (Weave) - $120 MicroLinks (AKA Euro Locs or Micro Loops and Locs) - $200 MicroRing Beaded Sew In - $170 Vixen Sew - $120 Fusion (U-Tip or I-Tip) - $200 360 Lace Frontal + Weft Installation $150 Go to to order your extensions - Use code *client10* to get 10% off - sells Weft Bundles, Lace Closures, Full Lace Wigs, 360 Lace Frontals, 360 Lace Wigs Lace Frontals, Lace Front Wigs, Microlinks, Fusions - All sold separately.

From - 1 month ago