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Sacred Plant CBD Oil Health-Medical - (Stanwood, WA)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sacredplantcbdoil/ Youtuebe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4GlvIas-0s Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid which was discovered in the 1940’s. It is 1 of over 120 cannabinoids found in the Hemp plant. This accounts for 40% of the plant extract. CBD has no psychoactive effects unlike its counterpart THC, so you will never feel high. With .02% THC, this is an alternative natural option to get relief from several different ailments rather than using harsh pharmaceuticals. Hemp is naturally higher in CBD then Cannabis and lower in THC which makes this treatment great for all professions that require drug testing.Cannabidiol has incredible medicinal benefits and may improve overall wellness.


Posted in Stanwood, WA, Beauty & Spa
From Laborjob - 1 month ago