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Early Head Start Kitchen Manager - (Orem, UT)

As a 4 time Best of State award winner, Kids On The Move is a non-profit organization that provides services throughout Utah to children with special needs and their families. Our mission is to support the development of young children through 4 key programs: Early Intervention, Early Head Start, the KOTM Autism Center, and KOTM Respite Care. Kids On The Move is seeking a Kitchen Manager and Nutritionist to be in charge of menu planning, grocery shopping, kitchen organization, sanitation, and the preparation and cooking of meals and snacks for its Early Head Start Program. This individual will also be responsible for fully and effectively implementing the CACFP Food Reimbursement program. REQUIREMENTS: Prepare meals for all EHS Wednesday night activities, as well as help with shopping for EHS Family Activities as requested Keep up-to-date info on all children's food allergies, working with teachers and program staff to ensure accurate info from parents


Posted in Orem, UT, Small Business
From ApplicantPRO - 1 month ago