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Wanted: Event Planners, Advertisers, Hostesses, Photographers. @stanford.edu - (Stanford, CA)

I'm looking for Event Planners, Advertisers, Hostesses, Photographers for the Stanford Social Networking Club https://alumni.stanford.edu/get/page/groups/overview/?group_id=003899XXXX . As seen on the club's website, the Stanford Social Networking Club has more than 3500 members and counting. It's the most popular Stanford alumni club. But we need your help to stay there. The club will have two New Year's Parties to start the new year with the bang. 1 is in SF, other on the campus at Stanford Golf Course. You can start working on them if hired. Pay: $25/hr. Job Description: Plan events for the club once every month or so. Then advertise them to undergrad and grad students on campus and alums off campus. During the event, hostesses will be at the door to check people's names on the registration list when they come in and give them name tags to wear. Photographers will take images of the events and post it on Facebook. Job Requirements: We will train you so no experience required.


Posted in Stanford, CA, Event
From Supost - 1 month ago