Swim Instructor - (Winston-Salem, NC)
I am a Wake Forest Student that is majoring in Political Science with a double minor in Biology and Entrepreneurship. I love learning and love to teach even more! Throughout high school I taught special needs students different outdoor activities through Waypoint Adventures, a non profit organization. I was a varsity swimmer for all 4yrs of high school and captained the team for my Junior and Senior year. Also in high school I did a 6 mnth semester program in Idaho through The Alzar School. There I participated in a variety of outdoor activities from backpacking to whitewater kayaking to rock climbing. The semester program emphasized learning on an outdoor education platform so many of my educational classes where taught as we went on long expedition style trips. This meant that I got very familiar with educating and instructing in a dynamic environment such as the side of a river or the middle of a national forest.

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago