Writer | Filmmaker | Photographer |Director - (Los Angeles, CA)
Writer & Visual Director • Rever ent. on-line mag • 2015-2017 Write key features, reviews and articles about independent artists and movies from around the world. Prepare content outline and script for filmed interviews and website. Blogger • keepsake homecare • 2017 Blog and create site content in relation to home care assistance. Content creator/writer • various brands • 2014-2017 Write and create content for promotional products/material, web sites, e-commerce, graphics and blog features. *Samples sent upon request Education Media communications • current • full sail University Who am I? Writing and creation are 2 things I live every day. I practice and yearn to learn more at any given opportunity. To influence society and those around me is a passion that I will forever hold on to. It’s a powerful thing to be able to inspire people through words and visuals. Being a full, adventurous and positive being is effortless to me. Art is the only thing that never changes, it can only grow.
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago