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Oil Change For Less at Rick s Auto Service - (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

OIL CHANGE 1 of the simplest most effective and inexpensive ways to help protect the life of your car especially its engine is to change the oil and the oil filter regularly. Oil is the lifeblood of your engine. It reduces friction lessens wear provides lubrication forms a seal between the pistons rings and cylinder walls while helping to cool engine parts. Without the cleaning action of new oil carbon and varnish buildup would be toxic to the engine. And engine oil even dampens the shock and noise of moving parts. We ll look inside outside under the hood and underneath the car then explain the findings and give you a writ report and estimate. While you re here let us perform a Courtesy Check which includes a visual check of the following items Engine air filter Brake fluid Power steering fluid Automatic transmission fluid Coolant antifreeze for no cost to you. We ll also walk you through your vehicle manufacturer s recommendations for replacing these vital fluids and filters.

Oil Change For Less at Rick s Auto Service


Posted in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Auto
From Advertigo - 1 month ago