Got Dangerous Dog Issues - (Denver, CO)
We can help! For nearly 3 decades, we've been working with dogs [and dog owners] that other trainers cant or wont... -Severe human aggression or anxiety -Uncontrollable Territoriality -Dominance -Unresponsive to commands -Destructive Separation Anxiety -Hyper-reactivity to people, dogs, stimuli -Severe confidence Issues -"Alleged" Dangerous Breeds -And more No specials tools or devices to buy No Steep up-front costs No Hitting, Kicking, Shock/E-collars, Choke chains, Pinch collars Yes, we address individual behaviors... but we focus on the human/canine relationship to create an obedient, loyal, social, calm dog for the rest of his/her life. We Accept Cash/ Checks/ Credit-Debit/ Paypal Get more information @

From Oodle - 1 month ago