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Summerville Based Babysitter and Petsitter Who is Well Trained and Ready to - (Summerville, SC)

Personal Profile: Hello my name is Taylor, I love doing what I do, from babysitting all ages to pet sitting all different types of animals. Hours are flexible, and the time put in is worth every bit! I have a resume available along with numerous references. Service Abilities: I can take care of play date supervision, date nights, shopping trips, vacations, and short notice situations. also, I can babysit up to seven kids in various situations and conditions :) Price depends on situation & number of kids, I do have own transportation, extremely reliable, understanding, and trust worthy. contacting Me: Shoot me a message for availability, or further more details wanted. (short meet and greets are preferred) quickest communication (replies within 24-hrs) : 843-901-...


Posted in Summerville, SC, Household
From Sitter - 1 month ago