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Passionate Youth and Peer Behavioral Health Counselor with more than four years - (Lafayette, CO)

Experience: Telecare Thurston/Mason Evaluation & Treatment Facility 2018 Peer Recovery Coach Olympia, WA January 2018 to June · Engage, inspire, and facilitate meaningful conversations with clients which assist the person to explore, create and meet their own recovery goals. · Provide consultation to the team to promote and reinforce resilience based treatment in which each participants’ point of view and preferences are recognized, understood, respected and integrated into services and self-help programming. · Respond to critical situations with a high level engagement and de-escalation skills which support a least restrictive environment for individuals experiencing an emergency related to a mental health/addiction challenge. · Facilitate group meetings and activities centered around mindfulness, recovery, self-responsibility, artistic expression, and community building. iTHRIVE November 2015 to July 2016 Early Intervention Peer Mentor and Educator Longmont, CO


Posted in Lafayette, CO, Beauty & Spa
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago