Garcia's Classic Car Restoration - (Sauget, IL)
Established in 1995 We specialize in restoring contemporary and classic automobiles. Attention to the details of your entire automobile is a standard at our shop. Whether you're a collector wanting award winning paint job or wanting your sentimental auto to be factory new, no matter what the job is each part of your car has our full attention. We know that quality work and attention to detail are a must, and our process every step of the way shows it. Our operations are geared to your specific needs. Enclosed pick-up and delivery anywhere in the U.S.A. ensures that your auto is treated with the care it deserves. We offer climate controlled storage with 24 hours security. Garcia's has 35 plus years in auto restorations and is located at 1401 Mississippi Ave Bay #8 in Sauget, IL, minutes from the Arch in downtown St.Louis, Mo.

From Oodle - 1 month ago