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solar design engineer - (Kansas City, MO)

Seeking a challenging job in the field of Solar industry, where I can utilize my skills effectively and efficiently in a practical manner in my professional approach PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY ? Certified as PV Associate by North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners [NABCEP]. ? As an intern at O.R.B. Solar I was a part of the team that designed solar water pumps for agriculture, cattle farm and residential purposes. ? Gained exposure to NEC and residential solar installations at the workshop. ? Completed my masters in the field of Electrical Engineering. Fascinated about Renewable Energy and have a good understanding of PV system Design and Analysis. INTERN Solar Design Engineer. O.R.B. SOLAR, INDIA June’15 – November’15 • Conducted tests on solar panel such as open circuit voltage, short circuit current. • Designed solar water pumps with battery back up for residential and cattle farm purposes. • Designed a solar water pump for agriculture purpose that operates only during peak sun


Posted in Kansas City, MO, Household
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago