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Caroline Krebs - (Kennesaw, GA)

My name is Caroline Krebs and I am currently a graduate student at Kennesaw State University pursuing a master's degree in Integrated Global Communication. My background includes a bachelor's degree in Public Relations as well as working within 2 high volume customer service positions. As a leasing associate for Candlebrook LLC, I was able to improve my leadership skills as well as my customer service skills. I was able to grow and succeed as a top leasing associate and quickly develop and learn sales abilities. As an intern at the Westin I shadowed several members from the sales and catering department. I also used their computer program, ISAC, and was able to input and retrieve data for my coworkers. I am very interested in hospitality and event planning as I can see myself growing in this innovative field. I am also very interested in the graphic design aspect as I have a slight history in adobe suites.


Posted in Kennesaw, GA, Event
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago