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Senior Designer - (San Marcos, CA)

Please consider me for the open position of Lead Print Graphic Designer. I am a Graphic Designer with 8yrs in-house marketing experience, a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design and extensive college studies in photography. I have 7yrs experience in the action sports industry and 3 years as a senior level designer for 2 global brands in print and digital. I am fluent in Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office. I have advanced proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign with expertise in catalog design, typography, print and digital advertising, photography, packaging and P.O.P. and event design. I am a conceptual designer creating advertisements that are focused on the consumer and the spirit of the brand. I have an art director’s eye, with vision and foresight. Effectively planning, writing copy and implementing business objectives into deliverables that ship and positively effect sales. I have a passion for design and an enthusiasm for new opportunities and challenges.


Posted in San Marcos, CA, Creative
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago