Ca Massage Therapy - (Marion, IN)
My name is Harmony Coriddi. I am a graduate of Equissage the leading trainer of animal massage therapists around the world. I am a member of both the IAAMB (International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork) and the IAAMT (International Association of Animal Massage Therapists). Massage therapy can benefit almost any dog but is especially helpful for aging dogs performance and working dogs and large breed puppies. Your dog can benefit from massage in many ways including Relaxation and stress reduction Increased circulation Release of endorphins (pain relievers) Relief of chronic pain and discomfort from arthritis hip dysplasia Lyme disease etc. Improvement of athletic performance Enhancement of muscle t and range of motion Prevention of atrophy (wasting) in inactive muscles Improvement of mental focus and attitude Appointments are available at Ca Shine Pet Grooming located at Minsteed Road Marion NY. I also offer home visits in Wayne County.

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