Prestige Used Car Dealer Inc - (Norristown, PA)
At Prestige Used Car Dealer Inc we have unbeatable prices and a large inventory for you to explore. Whether you are searching for a domestic car like Ford or Chevy or a foreign car such as Honda or Volkswagen we have you covered Prestige Used Car Dealer Inc is a used car dealer in Pennsylvania that assists in purchasing pre-owned or used vehicles. Our finance department gets every approved with good credit no credit or bad credit. Buy here pay here financing is available by request or if necessary due to a credit situation. We accept down payments as low as our sales force will find you the best used vehicle that fits your needs and your budget. All our cars are certified by license auto mechanics and go through inspection process before delivered to our customers. Majority of our cars have a remaining manufactured warranty. Exded warranties available from most reliable companies in the industry.

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