Gabrielle Smith Graphic Designer - (Edgewood, MD)
Gabrielle Smith Edgewood, MD | PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY A creative and confident Graphic Designer who is self-motivated and eager to learn more about the graphic design field. Who comes to you with a wide range of creative ideas to assist with new projects, while also helping to improve or renew old projects. Very detailed oriented and has a comprehensive understanding of: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PowerPoint, and Publisher. Possessing a determined attitude to make sure a job is completed and going above that of what is required to make sure the customer/client is satisfied with their final product of their requested design. EDUCATION American InterContinental University – On-line June 2015 Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual Communications – Graphic Design GPA: 3.47 Passaic County Technical Institute June 2012

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago