I am a very heavy person when it comes to animals be a pet sitter is everything - (Las Vegas, NV)
being a pet sitter means everything to me I can feed them I can walk them and I can take them to different places. not only does it mean to be a pet sitter but it means to love animals for me it is everything. I will feed them and love them as if I was there own on her because as a pet sitter I feel that it is my need for them. my dream is to be a zoologist and to be a zoologist I need to join with the animals themselves. I am definitely still in school I'm still is attending and I am working for a zoology degree in order for me to pass it is my responsibility to taken in being a pet sitter for a start. Being a pet sitter is what I really true want to be. You can trust me with your pet because I can trust myself with them and I'm hoping they can trust me. When it comes to these animals I deserve my life they deserve the life very necessary to have a lot of attention towards them because they are indeed a handful at times but they are human and they need to be treated like them.

From PetSitter - 1 month ago