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SPRINKLER - DRIP - repair ( ) - (Phoenix, AZ)

yrs expererience MOST REPAIRS ARE or less LABOR ONLY I Can help you with any problem on your old or new system leaks solenoids back flow controls diaphgrams valves timers fix it renew it replace it install it relocations or convertions from drip to sprinkler or otherwise new installs etc. NEW SPRINKLERS 1 VALVE AND NEW TIMER INSTALLED FOR ONLY . BROKEN WATER LINES -VALVES-WIRES [ CHEAP LAWN TO DESERT CONVERTIONS ] front lawn mowing free ph estimates. hst reasonable prices. REGULAR YARD SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE I have experience at irrigation diagnosis and repair and I can set up your irrigation timer My prices are low GIVE ME A CALL - Ramon Pictures and contact information on Advertigo website.


Posted in Phoenix, AZ, Farm & Garden
From Advertigo - 1 month ago