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Web/Graphic Designer - (Closter, NJ)

Arvind Radakrishnan 63 Whitney Street ? Closter, New Jersey 07624 ? (201) 838-XXXX ? XXXX@gmail.com https://arvindradakrishnanportfolio.wordpress.com/ Targeting IT Position in the field of web design and programming focusing in the gaming, network, and cyber security industries. ? Consistently recognized for excellence in customer service and satisfaction. Adheres to standard protocols when diagnosing and troubleshooting networks and computer systems. Constantly researching the latest technologies in the industry to keep current. ? Equally successful as a team player and in self-directed settings. A quick and patient learner of new technologies and systems. EDUCATION Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey Bachelor of Science in Info Technology TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY Certifications & Skills: C++, Java, HTML, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Microsoft Visual Studio, Oracle, Final Cut Pro, Microsoft Office, Wordpress. WORK EXPERIENCE YouTube Partnership, Fullscreen


Posted in Closter, NJ, Skilled Trade
From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago