Professional Window Cleaning () - â??â?? - Pric - (Carol Stream, IL)
Thank you for visiting us on Classified Ads. Please feel to use our on-line estimating utility to get an idea of your window washing costs. For a number of reasons window cleaning is of the most difficult and in some cases dangerous chores that needs to be d around any property. It might take you hours or even days to get all your windows cleaned. After all of your hard work and time spent your windows may look clean until the day wears on and the sun shines in just right. Then all you see for your efforts are smears and streaks. This is why window washing gets put off until they are so dirty that they no longer provide a clear clean streak free view. P.E.C. Services offers professional window and screen cleaning to residential and commercial properties all around Chicago and the suburbs. With over years of experience you can rest assured that your window cleaning service is carried out by qualified experienced service oriented and polite window cleaning service technician.

From Advertigo - 1 month ago