Ready to work, eager to learn - (Columbus, OH)
Elisa Perkins SKILLS I possess excellent Organizational and Communication Skills. I have utilized Phone Etiquette for several positions while completing tasks given in a timely and effective manner. I have several years of experience in Sales/Customer Service and Human Relations. I possess general PC and Mac knowledge. I am proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and Adobe CS6 Software. WORK EXPERIENCE December 2016 – Present Complete Research Connection Hostess Columbus, Ohio I am the 1st face that the client sees when they come into the door. I make sure all rooms for the research study are to the client’s specifications. I welcome the client and participants and gather pertinent info to verify their identity as well as guide them to the room that the research study will be held. I also am responsible for lunch orders from time to time. I stay for the entire focus group and help to breakdown rooms after everyone has left. September 2016 – December 2016 Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago