Your t-post fence too Short Install this and Make your fence o - (Sacramento, CA)
Deer Proof Your Yard or Garden with the T-Post Exder Having problems with deer eating your newly planted fruits and vegetables Losing those expensive ornamentals We have the solution. Raise the h of your t-post fencing in a day Our pated T-Post Exder raises the h of your fence in an afternoon and does not require you to remove your existing wire fencing. No more pounding in t-posts With a standard household carpentry hammer you can tap these Exders into place. Simply run barbed or barbless wire on top for a finished look that functions as a deer fence Want to run an electric fence on top No problem. Since these are made from t-post stock they will hold all your standard hot wire insulators or clips and fasers. No special hardware needed to deer proof your yard. Now there is a new easy-to-install solution to an old problem. Our T-Post Exder fits right on top of your existing fence t-post. It can raise the h of your fence in a matter of minutes with no t-post removal or back breaking installation.

From Advertigo - 1 month ago