Digital Media - (Paterson, NJ)
Jenny Clater _________________________________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE: To obtain a challenging position within a company where I would be able to utilize all my networking and social media expertise to help successfully market the company’s brand in order to reach target audience. EDUCATION: Rutgers University School of Business Social Media Marketing Mini-MBA Certificate Montclair State University Communications & Media Bachelors-2018 Passaic County Community College Teacher Education Associates Degree Skills: Blogging, Community Outreach, Content Development & Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, Public Speaking, Leadership, Google Analytics EXPERIENCE: Penn Reach Supportive Services Coordinator 10/2015-Present Coordinate direct services and serve as direct advocate/ liaison for community Community Outreach, event planning, soliciting donations from various organizations

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago