I have sent you my work experience - (Deland, FL)
Pagette Mays 1771 seventh avenue Deland, FL 32724 386-337-... ...@yahoo.com EXPERIENCE Florida Hospital, Orange City, FL CNA February, 2015- May 2016 I was responsible for keeping patient safe and making sure they had a good experience while they was in the hospital. This mean making sure they had what they needed in a reasonable amount of time. Florida Hospital, Ormond Beach, FL Job CNA/ Unit Secretary June 2006 - January 2015 Was responsible for making sure patient went to doctor appointments, set travel arrangements. Inputting patient data in computer for doctor to view for upcoming patient skills meeting. Arcadia Health care - Cna/ Home Health Aid December 1999- May 2006 Worked with clients at home , with dressing, bathing. Housework, and preparing meals. Suwannee Medical Service - Cna/Home Health Aid December 1999-May 2006 Worked with clients at home , with dressing, bathing. Housework, and preparing meals. Hardee's, Adel , Daytona Beach, Port Orange Supervisor February 1994 - june 1999
From ElderCare - 1 month ago