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Therapeutic Massage by Lorie Lindo - (Glastonbury, CT)

Lorie is a graduate of the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy in Newington. She is state licensed, nationally certified, an active member of the American Massage Therapy Association, and a member of the Connecticut Sports Massage Team. She is also a teachers assistant and tutor for massage therapy classes at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy. She specializes in Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Sports massage, but will also work with you to customize your session to best fit your path to wellness. She also works with chiropractors and physical therapists to support your health. Lorie is a graduate from Central Connecticut State University with an M.S. in Physical Education, a B.S. in Exercise Science, and an A.S. in Psychology. She also has experience working with athletic trainers and various other sports teams at CCSU. Some of her credentials include CPR and 1st Aid Instructor, Wilderness 1st Aid Responder, and Administration of Medications.


Posted in Glastonbury, CT, Beauty & Spa
From SuperAds - 1 month ago