Spanish-speaking childcare asap - (Providence, RI)
Au Pair childcare is affordable, flexible and available in southern New England. Register for free at Go Au Pair Providence or contact me, Joan Lowell, your Local Area Representative; call 401.309.XXXX, reply with contact details or register online and I will contact you. Here is a qualified candidate who can start her live-in, full-time cultural childcare experience right away: Melissa is a 25 year old college graduate who has been an Au Pair near Oakland, CA since last April. She can start right away and stay until at least the last week of April, when she may be eligible to extend her program another 6, 9 or 12 months. First Aid certified in Colombia, Melissa is Infant Qualified with over 1,000 hours of documented care for children under age two.

From Oodle - 1 month ago