Videographer - (Denver, CO)
Cory Nasstrom Objective: To use my skills and knowledge in the film and video industry. Education Colorado Media School, Lakewood, CO Graduated September 2017 Certificate in Radio and TELEVISION Broadcasting Chatfield Senior High School, Littleton, CO Graduated May 2013 Warren Tech Trade School, Lakewood, CO – TELEVISION and Video Production Skills ? Adobe Premiere/Final Cut Pro ?Adobe Audition? cameras and audio equipment ? as well as operate Tri-Caster?Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linked In? Microsoft Office Experience Innovation Pavilion, Centennial, CO July 2017- Present Intern Editor Assist in setup of cameras for shows held at Innovation Pavilion Edit videos and post them to the company website After Class, Colorado Media School, Lakewood, CO February 2017 - Present Technical Director, 1 Hour Sports Debate Show Operate Tri-Caster, Set up studio and lights, operated cameras. Domino's, Littleton, CO February 2016 - Present Delivery Expert

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago