Marketing Student - (New Orleans, LA)
EDUCATION Tulane University, A. B. Freeman School of Business New Orleans, LA Bachelor of Science in Management, Major: Marketing May 2019 GPA: 3.156/4.0 • American Marketing Association Member LEADERSHIP The Tulane Hullabaloo (Student Run Newspaper) New Orleans, LA Video Associate Fall 2015—Fall 2016 • Contribute to the filming and production of current news, sometimes coinciding with written articles • Focus on content including music and entertainment in New Orleans while assisting other team members on their respective projects through technical and creative skill • Communicate with members of the executive board to approve content, discuss deadlines, and organize interviews Conquering Childhood Cancer Short Hills, NJ Vice President Fall 2014—Spring 2015 • Plan and assist in making gift baskets for children residing at St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, NJ • Organize and host St. Baldrick’s Head Shaving and Bake Sale event for childhood cancer research COMMUNITY SERVICE

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago