Marketing Professional - (Malibu, CA)
ALEXANDRA LOOR OBJECTIVE Digital Marketer with 3+ years of social media, on-line advertising, and copywriting experience. Well-versed in identifying market trends, emerging technology and written communication. Seeking to use strong communication background to execute marketing objectives. EDUCATION Pepperdine University 24255 PCH Malibu, CA Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Marketing and Communications WORK EXPERIENCE Blue Lifestyle Pacific Palisades, CA Marketing Coordinator 2016 to 2017 • Served as primary point of contact for clients, media, and vendors • Directed the planning and execution of events for corporate clients • Wrote copy for radio show, blog, and company’s website • Updated wine stock/contact database Poder Ciudadano Buenos Aires, Argentina Non-Profit Intern Summer 2016 • Assisted in collecting research on political transparency • Conducting survey among constituents in South America • Analyzed documents of public record regarding human rights efforts

From BarefootStudent - 1 month ago