Home CleaningHouse Cleaning - Condo Cleaning Boston Miles - (Medford, MA)
House Cleaning Services Boston MA Marli Paes () - MarlisCleaning LIKE US ON FACEBOOK s facebook Marli-Paes- ENVIRONMENTALLY CLEANING SERVICES NATURAL PRODUCTS House cleaning Services - Condo Cleaning - Apartment Cleaning- Perfect Cleaning Services - Years of Experience on Cleaning Services lt gt Included in the Standard cleaning service package lt gt Bathrooms - We vacuum everything before clean the bathroom that will remove dust and hair which is a difficult task when the surfaces are wet. Then we spray shower and tub with cleanser. After we scrub with a bathroom- sponge rinse with clean water and dry with clean rags. Then we finish with glass cleaner for a special touch on the tiles and metals - Pour cleaner into toilet bowl brush and flush the inside. Spray with a product and wash outside the toilet. Then we use paper towel to remove all product and dirty - Apply the cleanser on the sink scrub with sponge and rinse with clean water.
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